
  • 影片以华盛顿饰演的麦克白为主线,他被三个女巫说服,认为自己注定要成为苏格兰国王。他和野心勃勃的妻子麦克白夫…
  • 斯坦.史密斯,在美国中央情报局工作,负责恐怖活动的警报。他极力地保护他深爱的美国免首伤害。在他的家庭里,除…
  • And follows a teenage rebel placed in foster care, who suspects that her father is not dead, but has been …
  • 功成名就的童话作家克莱尔•哈罗维(Gabrielle Anwar 饰)最近一段时间饱受噩梦折磨,她反复梦见自己追逐一个女孩…
  • Blind and deaf sisters, Anna and Beth, live happily in a secluded small town with their father. However, w…
  • Walk With Me follows the emotional journey of a young mother who leaves her husband to find her footing in…
  • Arebelliousteenplacedinfostercaresuspectsherfatherisnotdeadbuthasbeenabducted.Sheisdeterminedtofindoutthet…