
  • While visiting a massacre memorial, a photographer finds herself drawn to a local woman. But their romance…
  • While visiting a massacre memorial, a photographer finds herself drawn to a local woman. But their romance…
  • While visiting a massacre memorial, a photographer finds herself drawn to a local woman. But their romance…
  • 愁云密布的20世纪中叶,出身日本普通家庭的杉原千亩(唐泽寿明 饰)凭借卓越的语言天赋和情报分析能力进入日本外…
  • 晚清末年,大清帝国摇摇欲倒。面对外敌来袭,慈禧太后鼓励民间习武抗敌。李鸿章为了逢迎太后,举办起一年一届的“…
  • 晚清末年,大清帝国摇摇欲倒。面对外敌来袭,慈禧太后鼓励民间习武抗敌。李鸿章为了逢迎太后,举办起一年一届的“…
  • 故事圍繞一間提供專業調解服務的調和中⼼,要探尋衝突背後的因,⽅得化解⽭盾的果。兩種不⼀樣的觀點和立場,要怎…