
  • 刚从大学毕业的安德鲁对自己的人生感到十分迷茫,他找不到前进的方向,所以暂时赖在了新泽西的家中,在镇上找了一…
  • 1960年代的泰國小鎮,冷戰的緊張氣氛蔓生,在軍政府獨裁統治下,不同政治立場的人們只能另闢蹊徑。家中經營鐘錶店…
  • 这部动作犯罪惊悚片由尼日利亚演员TobiBakare、AdesuaEtomi-Wellington主演。这张以一群儿时的朋友为中心,他们每…
  • Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for T…
  • The Doll is an adaptation of the novel, The Doll (novel) by Boles?aw Prus, which is regarded by many as on…
  • When a team of scientists on the verge of a medical breakthrough are mysteriously murdered, two agents mus…
  • The film homes in on 18-year-old Alex who’s been a fan of the Arthur fantasy fi…
  • 乔尔·埃哲顿、西恩·哈里斯将主演犯罪题材新片[未知的男人](The Unknown Man,暂译)。托马斯·M·赖特([严重…