
  • 一个曾经是纳粹医生并且有恋男童癖的男人深深为自己的罪行感到内疚,并跳楼自杀未遂.,要依靠人工呼吸器生活.而当年…
  • 主人公赵小天天赋异能,拥有超强的自愈能力。在历经一场意外场爆炸后,他来到了一个崇尚武道的新世界,并成为了首…
  • When the hospital she works at is transported to the moon, medical student Martha Jones joins forces with …
  • As Rose Tyler embarks upon her first big TARDIS adventure with the newly-regenerated Doctor, they discover…
  • 杰克在妻女被挟为人质的情况下,不得不答应歹徒的条件,将一批军火从佐治亚州运到新泽西州。出发前,军火商向杰克…
  • 故事发生在遥远的2057年,太阳的逐渐衰竭让人类即将面临有史以来最大的危机,如果失去了日照,大地将会陷入黑暗和…
  • 绿魔和毒液使科技盗窃达历史新高,我们的好邻居蜘蛛侠将与“幽灵蜘蛛”格温·斯泰西合作,阻止他们的邪恶计谋摧毁…
  • Three X drag Queens put all their savings into buying an apartment block as an investment. But the busines…