
  • 本片以过三十年代的大乐队时代为故事背景,描述一名萨克斯爵士乐手与一名女歌手之间爱恨交缠的情感,充满着人生的…
  • The histories of classic popular movies are examined
  • Its the year 2045. War on drugs in Mexico has escalated as a ruthless drug Cartel use robots to enforce th…
  • 在与老朋友大卫(欧玛·艾普斯饰)短暂相遇后,艾莉(尼娅·朗饰)试图挽救她与丈夫马库斯(斯蒂芬·毕晓普饰)的…
  • When a team of scientists on the verge of a medical breakthrough are mysteriously murdered, two agents mus…
  • When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on…
  • 《七宗罪》、《肖申克的救赎》、《惊天魔盗团》……你还在为这些电影震撼吗?摩根·弗里曼本人将带你去到世界上最…
  • 越战期间,一队美国士兵深入越南腹地,执行特殊任务,破坏敌方军事设施,并打击敌方军事要员。