
  • Inthenearfuture,NorwayisoccupiedbyRussiaonbehalfoftheEuropeanUnion,duetothefactthatthenewlyelectedenvironm…
  • A father and his two teenage sons travel to a small mountain cabin for a male bonding adventure. When a lo…
  • When 16-year-old Maddy's mother had to go work overseas for three months, she had to move in with her …
  • 美国尼米兹号,一艘从二战时期就经历无数战火的老牌航母,在还有6个月就正式退役的时候,尼米兹号接到一条命令,…
  • DR出品的8集短剧《狼来了》(Ulven kommer)。14岁的Holly在学校的一篇作文里写道,继父在家中使用暴力。老师上报…
  • Deborah Fielding 决心不惜一切代价揭露深藏于Edgewater精神病院的黑暗,即使以她的生命为代价。在一系列怪异的事…
  • In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the…