
  • 驱灵死域

    A Necron dynasty, dormant for eons, rises in the depths of the Nephilim Sector, now inhabited by fleshy in…
  • 居住在意大利的卢西奥·弗尔兹(卢西奥·弗尔兹饰,也是本片导演兼编剧)脑子时常会有谋杀案的场景出现,于是他边…
  • Florinda Bolkan plays the daughter of a prominant English politician who keeps having recurring "nigh…
  • 享年仅仅37岁的巴西女歌手依莉丝·雷吉纳(Elis Regina),不但开创上世纪六零年代巴西流行乐MPB风潮,更是享誉国…
  • A lonely New Yorker serendipitously meets a mysterious foreigner and sparks ignite. A meditation on life a…
  • 遵循疯狂的智利科学家的致命病毒在全球污染的货币上逃脱了实验室:一个小偷在意大利偷走了被污染的钞票; 科索沃…
  • Procida, a little Island in the gulf of Naples. Last days of summer. The adolescence of Domenico is coming…
  • Onehundredyearsafterbeingwronglyexecuted,twoblackbrothersreturnfromthegravetoavengetheirdeathsandreclaimth…